Industrial safety is a state of protection of physical party and juridical party, the environment from harmful effects of hazardous production factors. “POCR” LLP is hazardous production facility.

One of the way to ensure industrial safety is Industrial safety expert review and declaration of hazardous production facility safety. Industrial safety expert review is carried out to check the conformity of the object to the established standards and requirements. Hazardous production facilities during operation of which potential harmful effects of hazardous production factors on population and environment cannot be excluded, are subject to mandatory declaration. In connection with this specialists of the company developed Refinery Safety Declaration, which passed through expertize and was registered in the authorized body.

The main purpose of industrial safety is accidents consequences preventing and minimizing on hazardous production facilities. Achieving of this goal is also facilitated by the availability of qualified specialists who meet qualification requirements. “POCR” LLP performs training, retraining of its employees in the field of Industrial safety.

System of industrial safety management is a structured set of managerial decisions, norms and procedures by means of which activities on prevention of risks and compliance with Industrial safety requirements are carried out and developed.

System of industrial safety management includes technical and organizational protection and provides organization of equipment safe operation subject to observance of safe operation requirements under specific conditions on functional level. The main direction of the System of industrial safety management on “POCR” LLP is implementation of a permanent production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements. For this purpose at the refinery it was developed Regulations on production control in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On civil protection”. Tasks of production control in the field of industrial safety are as follows: ensuring of industrial safety requirements on hazardous production facilities, as well as identifying of circumstances and causes of disorders that affect the security status of works performance.

On an annual basis “POCR” LLP concludes a contract for insurance of civil liability of hazardous production facilities owners, activities of which are associated with risk of harm causing to the third parties.