At the refinery, great attention is paid to personnel policy, the purpose of which is to effectively manage personnel, develop it, and create a professional and cohesive team united by common corporate values.

POCR LLP employs more than 2400 people, a third of the staff are young people under the age of 35. Every second employee of the plant has a higher professional education. The average age of the refinery workers is 40 years.

The success of POCR activity is largely determined by the level of qualifications of its employees, who are able to respond in a timely manner to changing market requirements in order to achieve the set strategic goals and objectives of the enterprise. Therefore, personnel selection is one of the priority tasks of the POCR LLP personnel policy.

To create an optimal balance of renewal and preservation of the number and quality of personnel in accordance with the needs of the refinery, POCR introduced rules for competitive selection of personnel, which provide a transparent system for the search, selection and adaptation of personnel. Candidates for admission go through the mandatory selection stages: testing, an interview in a structural unit, a panel interview at the refinery competition committee. The recruiting process is automated and takes place using the "Electronic Recruiting" information system, which ensures transparency in the movement of candidates' resumes at all stages of selection.

In order to adapt the employed workers, an adaptation program has been developed that facilitates the process of entering the labor collective, the adoption of established norms of relationships, and helps to master the system of professional knowledge and skills. A personnel reserve has been formed to replace managers, specialists and workers who are senior in the shift, the procedure for their internship, training and certification has been determined. The personnel reserve is constantly updated.

The company has a personnel development program that includes training, retraining and advanced training of employees. For the implementation of the personnel development program, appropriate conditions have been created: in all workshops / complexes of the plant there are classrooms for theoretical training, the training center is actively involved in the training process, equipped with new equipment, modern teaching aids, multimedia training complexes for technological processes, computer training complexes.

POCR LLP actively participates in the implementation of social partnership projects. Thus, within the framework of the pilot project of Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Fund JSC in 2013, at POCR together with the Pavlodar Chemical and Mechanical College, a dual form of education was successfully introduced, according to which students undergo 60% of practical and theoretical lessons in production, and 40% - in college. To build a viable dual education system, curricula were revised, changes were made in the number of hours of theoretical and practical training, major repairs were made in the training workshops of the college, a training ground and a training laboratory were created at the enterprise, equipment, overalls and personal protective equipment were purchased. All students are secured to experienced mentors.

Since 2018 the Pavlodar State University named after S.M. Toraygyrov has been participating in the dual education project in the specialties "Maintenance and repair of equipment", "Technology of oil and gas processes". To equip the technical base of the university, 11 types of reagents and laboratory equipment were transferred, special equipment, furniture for classrooms were purchased, classrooms and laboratories were renovated, with a total area of about 650 sq. meters. Such cooperation with educational institutions gives positive results, almost 80 percent of graduates who studied in the dual system showed a high level of knowledge, were selected by the competition committee and were employed at the plant.

The refinery understands that its prosperous future, the preservation of industrial and human traditions are in the hands of young workers who are replacing veterans. Therefore, special attention is paid to the replenishment of the company's personnel with young specialists, graduates of universities and colleges, who are able to quickly adapt to new technologies, master new information. More than thirty percent of the employees hired annually are young specialists. When hiring for a job, each young specialist is secured to a mentor from among highly qualified workers of the plant who undergo specialized training. In order to familiarize young specialists with the corporate spirit of the enterprise, "The Oil Refiners Initiation" ceremony is held annually.

The company has a Council for Youth Affairs. Young specialists actively participate in the social and sports life of the plant, professional, linguistic and intellectual competitions, assist in patronage of the Peschanskaya boarding school.

A close relationship has been established with the leading universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russia. Every year, about 200 students of various educational institutions, studying in the specialties "Technology of oil and gas processing", "Chemical technology of organic substances", "Technological machines and equipment", undergo practical training at the plant. The main specialists of the plant participate in the state commissions for the defense of graduation projects of graduates of the leading universities and colleges in the region.

To increase the interest of workers in improving their professional skills, studying and disseminating best practices, the plant holds a competition "Uzdik Maman" in the main professions of the enterprise in two categories: workers under 30 years of age with less than three years of work experience and workers over 30 years of experience with more than three years old. The winners of the refinery competition take part in the second stage of the competition between the best employees of the plants of the National Company “KazMunayGas”.

The measures of moral and material incentives for the best workers are widely used at the plant. It has become a tradition to honor veterans and leaders of production, family dynasties. Annually the names of the best workers, specialists, managers are entered on the Board of Honor on the eve of the Day of workers of the oil and gas complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan.